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Our Advisory Committees provide expert advice on a variety of issues to ensure that students earning degrees or certificates from 赌钱app可以微信提现 are prepared to enter the workforce and become immediately productive.

Gil Anderson
Retail Software Solutions Group

Corey Bryant
Everi Payments Inc.
Sr. Data Scientist

Nick Centonze
Lead Engineering Manager Revenue Cycle – Scheduling Dev

Matthew Copeland
University of Kansas
Center for Computational Biology, Research Engineer

Belinda Copus
University of Central Missouri
Asst. Professor/Program Coordinator Computer Science & Software Engineering

Matanda Fatch-Simwinga
Kansas City Life Insurance
Director, Data Services

Tony Heimer
Hormel Foods Corporation
Business Intelligence Analyst

Dale Highfill
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Enterprise Architect

Carl Hinchey 
Jump Trading
Software Engineer – Core Development

Julie Hinchey 
Cboe Global Markets
Vice President

Lisa Jenkins
Veridian Consulting Services, LLC
Vice President

Amos King
Binary Noggin

Doug Lay
Lead Data Analyst

Brandon Lile 
Statar Capital
Head of Software Engineering - Systematic

Clara Maingi
Swiss Re America Holding Corporation
Solutions Mgr., Vice President, Americas

Shawn Mulkey
Balance Innovations, a Brink's Division
Platform and Reliability Architect

Jeff Pinkerton
Mid-America Regional Council (MARC)
Senior Researcher

Archit Saraf 
Senior Manager – Software Development

Walid Sharabati
Purdue University
Assistant Professor of Statistics

Matt Sosa, M.A.
Manager Lead Data Scientist
Shared Svcs. Engineering, Enterprise Svcs.

Ariadne Spes
Software Engineer & Team Lead

Mike Thiessen
Business Instruments

Abbey Trotta
Software Engineer and Security Manager